7 Things You Can do Today to Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile

Although you may not have developed a social media strategy – yet – if you’ve registered on a site, like LinkedIn, you have a profile.  Your profile is extremely important for more than the obvious reason.  Of course if someone you already know “looks you up” on LinkedIn, your profile will be what they see.  If you’re already acquainted, they will probably connect with you no matter what your profile looks like.  What if someone is considering you for employment and checks to see if you have a LinkedIn profile?  What if you’ve joined a discussion group and made a comment and someone in the group wants to read more about you, because they think they might be able to do some business with you?  What if someone does a search on LinkedIn for a certain type of service provider and your name comes up, but instead of your friendly face all they see is that faceless “avatar?”

It’s time to start considering your profile on SM sites not only as a resume, but also a statement of who you are as a professional and what differentiates you from the others in your field.  Start writing profiles with search engine optimization in mind.  Actually make the effort to craft a profile that “brands” you as an expert at what you do and portrays you as a person that people would enjoy doing business with.  Here are 7 things you can do today to maximize the impact your profile has on the people who view it.

1.  Add a picture! This seems so obvious, but I go to many LinkedIn profiles and see the infamous “ghost” person. Social media is for BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS first. If you are consistent with your social media strategy and truly foster relationships, opportunities for partnerships, collaborations and actual sales will follow. But wouldn’t you be more likely to want to have a relationship with someone who you can actually see?

2.  Use relevant keywords in your “professional headline.” People really do search LinkedIn when they are looking for new employees, vendors and suppliers, outsourcing partners, etc. If you want to be FOUND, use phrases that will help people find you! Also, use every single character they allow for this field!

3.  Use all 3 lines for “websites,” and make the title more descriptive. You’re allowed to post 3 links to websites. Most profiles have a link that says, “MY COMPANY’ that leads to their company website. You can also post a link to an article or white paper you may have authored, your blog, or any other page on the Internet that helps to “build your brand.” Of course your company could be one of the links; but why not try giving it a title that tells WHAT the website has to offer, instead of “MY COMPANY?” For instance, the anchor text for the link to the Marketects website is “Industrial Marketing Solutions.”

4.  Solicit recommendations. People generally like to help other people. If you have had a positive relationship with someone professionally and ask them to give a recommendation of your work or a brief testimonial, they are usually happy to do so. You don’t need 30 recommendations! You’re looking for a good representation of your work ethics, habits, and skills from a variety of people. For instance, you might have a couple well written recommendations from customers; co-workers; vendors or suppliers; and people you reported to. If asking for a recommendation is difficult for you, try this approach: recommend the people you’d like to recommend you! The nature of social media is one of reciprocity. Many times, if you write a rercommedation for someone, they will return the favor. The recommendations you make will also appear on your profile. It makes you look like a more helpful, gracious person if you have taken time to recommend others.

5.  Use your “summary” to tell your story. You have 2,000 characters available to you in your summary! Go to Word, start writing, and use character count! Don’t just use your summary to state the responsibilities you’ve had at your current and past jobs. You definitely want to state the value that you provide in your profession or field, but if the path you took to where you are today was unconventional, it’s OK to state that! It just makes you a more interesting person. You can also use “PAR” statements (Problem > Action > Result.) Ex: When I was with “X” company, they were “PROBLEM.” I was able to “ACTION” and as a result, the company “RESULT.” Try being more conversational, and not so stiff.  Interject some personality!

6.  Add your LinkedIn “public profile” URL to ALL of your personal communications: emails, business cards, website, and blog. Promote your LinkedIn network (and any other social media sites on which you have a professional presence) whenever you can. This will help you build your network.

7.  Join some groups – and if you have the time, start your own! This is a great platform for offering expertise in your field. Be thoughtful about your comments and true to bring value to the discussions. Another reason to join groups is that as a member, you can send a message to any other member of the group. If you know someone who is a prospect for your business, go to their profile and see what groups they belong to, then join the groups. It’s probably a good idea to check in on the group for awhile and offer comments in discussions, or even start some discussions before you send your prospect a message. Remember: social media is about “relationship building.” When you make yourself a valued member of a group, people will start going to your profile to learn more about you. Make your profile as engaging and interesting as possible!

Social media will never “work” for you if you don’t “work” it.  Make a commitment to learning more and investing more into your social media presence and and start with the basics: make your profiles the the best they can be!

Author: Kerry O'Malley


Marketects was founded in 1999 by Kerry O’Malley, a proven marketing communications professional in international, manufacturing companies. Working on the “other side of the desk,” she hired ad agencies to manage her employers’ advertising and P/R programs. Frustrated over the lack of attention and level of enthusiasm she was looking for in the marketing agencies she worked with, Kerry realized that there was a definite need for a full-service marketing firm that specialized in working with industrial companies. She resolved that her clients would always receive the highest level of service possible and never feel like the last kid chosen for the team.

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