Why Should I Use Inbound Marketing? – WORLD CLASS WEBSITES
The key to a successful industrial Inbound Marketing strategy is a fully search engine optimized, world class website. Some of the features of this type of website are:
[list style=”circle”]
- Content management system (CMS) that is designed to ATTRACT search engines
- Keyword rich content
- Good balance of text and pictures or artwork
- On and off-site SEO
- Blog
- Pages that allow for visitor interaction, such as a forum, “Ask the Experts” page, etc.
- Clear calls to action
- Numerous ways for visitors to contact and/or get an immediate response from the company: request a meeting form; request a quote form; possibly even a “Live Chat” feature
- Obvious links to the company’s social media pages on every page of the site
- Sharing links on the blog and other content that allow visitors to post content on social media sites
- Twitter, Blog, or Facebook feed on the Home Page
- Analytics integration (such as Google analytics)
- Tracking system (to monitor conversions)[/list]
Everything else you do in your Inbound Marketing strategy is designed to drive more traffic to your website; but you’ll lose those visitors as fast as they come if the site doesn’t instantly grab their attention, or they aren’t able to quickly find the information they’re seeking. You’re not driving traffic to your website just to see the numbers increase; you also want the traffic to be the RIGHT traffic, and you want to convince them that your company is the one they should call for whatever product or service they were searching for. Additionally, you want a way to measure how many of those visitors are “converted.”
Website conversion means different things to different people, but the base line definition is that a a conversion happens when a visitor to the site takes an action that you intended for them to take.
This could be:[list style=”circle”]
- Calling your company
- Emailing your company
- Sending in an RFQ form
- Filling out a “request a meeting” form
- Requesting a “live chat”
- Registering for the company’s newsletter or Blog feed
- Registering to download a specific piece of content, such as a white paper, E-book, or webinar[/list]
Reason #1 why you should integrate Inbound Marketing into your industrial marketing plans: it is results driven and measurable.
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